Tuesday, June 20, 2006

father thorpus: still more-more on day 7

A special order was taken in the HoDep to put off
debate on Beisner's consent until today, day 8. 

A160, the rsolution expressing regret for our actions,
went into long debate last night.  The committee said,
[my paraphrase] "let's look at the big picture.  The
ABC asked Windsor commission for the 'highest degree
of dommunion given our differences."  no one is being
asked to change their beliefs.  The Windsor rept. is
therefore NOT an ultimatum, nor should we give
ultimatums back.  We aim for continuing conversations.
 This resolution does not represent the view of any
one faction: it is therefore complex.  No resolution
can make abuse of itself impossible.  Each of us
should be wiling to surrender our agendas to the Holy
Spriit in the diverse center. 

A lesbian member of the committee testified that she
didn't like this resolution, but that she thought it
really was the right thing to do.  Anyone who has been
a part of the committee or really looked at the
situation abroad inevitably has their mind changed and
supports compliance with Windsor for the sake of unity
with the Communion.  it's only those who are focused
on the sometime prophetic situation in the US that
want to forget the communion. 

A youth deputy actually said something coherent during
this debate.  I note this because by and large they're
still in the business of shouting parroted opinions in
incoherent sentences.  It would be more entertaining
for the PB to bring up an actual parrot to say "Polly and
Molly want a marriage." 

More later.

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