Sunday, April 24, 2005

the plot thickeneth

A comment by William Tighe at Titusonenine (commenting on the report, mentioned below, of talks between the Traditional Anglican Communion and the Vatican):

This report is to be taken with the *utmost* seriousness. I know from serveral persons (on both the Catholic and the Anglican sides) that when these conversations between the Vatican and the TAC began in 1995, they were “sidelined” by “professional ecumenists” in Rome because of the damage that they would do to Rome/Canterbury relations. When an attempt was made to restart them, they encountered similar problems. Two cardinals in particulat did a great deal to overcome this roadblock, and both of them have indicated their strong support for an “Anglican-Rite Catholic Church” in communion with Rome. One of these cardinals is now pope and depending on the length of his pontificate, the other cardinal may well be pope after him.


Amber said...

I was just on the TAC website and am extremely, if naively, excited.

Anonymous said...

I join you in your excitement Johnny. Give it time and we will see what happens. WB, keep us posted.