Sunday, April 24, 2005

the martyrs of melanesia

For those of you who don't know, today, April 24, is the aniversary of the martyrdom of seven members of the Melanesian Brotherhood, the largest religious (i.e. monastic) community in the Anglican Communion. I urge you to celebrate it somehow.

Here is a link to some background information.

Here is an australian radio report, much of which comes from my friend Fr. Richard Carter, who until recently was chaplain to the Brotherhood.

A very poignant report on the funerals, including a letter from Fr. Richard.

Lastly, here is the collect I composed for our celebration of the feast at church today:

Almighty God, your servants the Martyrs of the Melanesian Brotherhood, offered themselves in obedience to you, and manifested thereby the reconciling love of our Savior Jesus Christ. Bring us so to obey your call that we may, with them, hold back nothing of ourselves, that the fruit of your Son’s passion, death, and resurrection, may be born in us, to the glory of your Name, and the redemption of the world; through the same your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ, who with you and the Holy Ghost, lives and reigns, world without end. Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Inspiring story, WB. I will say a prayer. Thanks for posting it!