Friday, April 21, 2006

hu's on first?

The reason I am having uncharitable feelings today is that the president of China is here. His thoroughgoing persecution of the Christian faithful (and others) would make even liberal ECUSA prelates blush. Anyway, there are secret service all over my library, and you can only get into it the back way. This is causing a great deal of anti-China sentiment to well up within me. Why is the yuan still tied to the dollar??? Inquiring student-priests want to know!


Here are some pro-China demonstrators (who apparently were bussed in from NYC):

And some Falun Gong protestors:

Read more here. See more pictures here.

And here is a good perspective on China, in my view (particularly given what China has done to my library access).

Its funny that Hu's visit to the White House began with a big faux pas: the White House announcer referring to China as "Taiwan" -- sort of.

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