Saturday, April 01, 2006

father peregrinator on the priesting of women

Father Peregrinator has interesting posts, arguing from scripture and tradition, about the priesting of women here and here. He raises an interesting question about the consistency of conservative, Evangelical Anglicans. And there is a horrifying picture of something trying to be a stole.


Anonymous said...

Dear sir,
I wonder if you would be so kind as to send me an email "offsite" so to speak. I'd like to ask about your current institution. I sense that you would rather not talk about yourself, so I won't press about that. I am curious about the "climate" at certain seminaries. Thanks, and I hope you will choose to email.

MM said...

Yikes! ... if women are going to pastor or dress like priests, the least they can do is get their aesthetic act together, that's all I'm screaming. A whole 'nother can of worms...

DBW said...

I was actually offended, and I don't offend easily.
You didn't think that posting that picture was a bit mysogynistic? I have seen schlumpy male priests too... I saw one straddling a communion rail during mass once, in vestments... rather than walk around it to read the gospel.

Anonymous said...

Is she a bishop?? That's knitting gone wild!

gwb said...


First of all, I didn't post it. Father Peregrinator posted it. I just pointed out that horrendous parody of a stole. I mean: it is some kind of variegated, synthetic fur. If our Lord had wanted people to wear that sort of thing, then he wouldn't have gone to the trouble of wearing a fiddleback chasuble of Belgian damask, and a biretta at the Last Supper, now would he?


Is she a bishop? Well, she's dressed like one. Sort of.

Anonymous said...

Y'all crack me up!

Anonymous said...

WB, that you at your ordination?