COLOGNE, Germany (AP) -- More than 1 million Roman Catholic young people who had camped out overnight in an enormous field welcomed Benedict XVI on Sunday for the concluding Mass of his four-day trip to Germany, his first foreign travel as pope.
As he began his homily, calling on the pilgrims and visitors to World Youth Day to make wise use of the freedom God had given them, the sun broke through the thick, gray clouds.
"Freedom is not simply about enjoying life in total autonomy, but rather about living by the measure of truth and goodness so that we ourselves can become true and good," he said.
He said there is a "strange forgetfulness of God," while at same time the sense of frustration and dissatisfaction has led to a "new explosion of religion."

"I have no wish to discredit all the manifestations of this phenomenon. There may be sincere joy in the discovery," he said. "Yet, if it is pushed too far, religion becomes almost a consumer product. People choose what they like, and some are even able to make a profit from it."

"But religion constructed on a 'do-it-youself' basis cannot ultimately help us. Help people to discover the true star which points out the way to us: Jesus Christ."
He urged the youth to take the time to regularly attend Sunday Mass.

"If you make the effort, you will realize that this is what gives a proper focus to your free time," he said.
Read the whole thing here.
I wonder how many youth would turn up to an Episcopalian youth event? A hundred? A thousand? I wonder how many of those actually believe in God? Its also amusing, in the light of events such as this, that the RC Church is often accused of being uninclusive

Indeed. Thanks for posting this, WB. Was the Benediction pic from World Youth Day? Or some other occasion. Splendid. My, is Rome ever looking good these days...
All the pics are of World Youth Day. Rome does indeed look good, but I'm not in a mood to give ground by retreating into the Citadel. Not yet anyway.
No, I am not going anywhere at the moment either. Are you assigned to a parish in ECUSA in CT? Just curious re: the state of the CT six...
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