Friday, March 11, 2005

hotel rwanda

Went to see the movie Hotel Rwanda last night. Very good. Very moving.

I confess to having a longtime fascination with the Rwanda Genocide. It just seems so inexplicable and evil. And in the movie, the voice on the radio, sort of embodies, in a formal way, my sense of the inexplicable and disembodied evil at work. The whole thing was just so demonic.

And the character of Paul is a very moving Christ figure. Or maybe just a radical disciple. Or maybe there's no difference between radical discipleship and being a Christ figure. In any event, Paul forsakes everything, lays down his life for his friends (though he doesn't actually die -- in fact he spoke at my school recently); but he abandons his claim on everything, on life itself, for the sake of others. He becomes, in Kierkegaard's words, the most injured of all -- the one with no "mine" at all.

Go see the movie. Its incredible.

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