Saturday, February 19, 2005

athos, garden of the panagia

Mt. Athos, which is called the Garden of the Panagia ("All Holy" -- the Blessed Virgin). I visited Mt. Athos in 2001. One thing that non-Orthodox have to contend with, is a very limited number of visas issued to non-Orthodox to visit the Holy Mountain. I had this problem, and after trying for several days to obtain a visa, I was told that it would not be possible, and I was about to give up hope. A friend of mine told me "You know, the Holy Mountain belongs to the Blessed Virgin, and maybe you should ask her if you may visit." So that I night I did ask her. I prayed something very simple like, "Holy Mary, Athos is yours, you know I very much would like to visit your garden. Please let me, and intercede for me with your Son and make it possible." The very next morning I got a call and was told that my visa had come through, and I set out for Athos two days later. There I spent several days at the Monastery of St. Paul. It was a great blessing.

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