Thursday, March 08, 2007

100% committed?

Episcopal Diocese of Kentucky Bishop Ted Gulick delivered his annual convention address February 24 during a Service of Holy Baptism, using the baptismal covenant as his rubric for speaking about the life of the Diocese of Kentucky and as a context for apologizing to its gay and lesbian members. . . . Recalling his 2004 convention address in which he apologized to those members of the diocese who were offended by his vote consenting to the election of the bishop of New Hampshire, Gulick spoke directly to the diocese's "devoted" gay and lesbian members. He said he was sorry that his vote during the 75th General Convention to approve Resolution B033 and thus withhold such consents in the future, may have caused them pain and "a sense of alienation from Christ's bond or me."
Gulick, however, also said he was "100 percent committed to reconciliation" . . .

Hmmm..... one wonders whether these conflicting apologies constitute 100 percent commitment to anything in particular.

1 comment:

timothy said...

Maybe he's 200% committed. You do the math.