Tuesday, April 03, 2007

solomon islands

An earthquake and tsunami hit parts of the Solmon Islands yesterday. People have died. Villages have been destroyed. The Anglican Province of Melanesia is one of the most robust and faithful things I've ever witnessed (and v. catholic). They have the largest religious community in the Anglican Communion -- the Melanesian Brotherhood, which has upwards of 500 brothers and novices, and which has been a powerful witness for our Lord (they are pictured above, at the funeral of the brothers martyred on Guadalcanal in 2003). They go out barefoot, two by two, with only the clothes on their back and a staff; they work miracles and lay down their lives for the Prince of Peace. I lived with them for some months, several years ago. It changed me.

So I love the Solomon Islands. Try and find ways to help those effected by this tsunami. If nothing else, pray.

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