Friday, August 18, 2006

bishop lee has lost his marbles

Bishop Lee maintains that the recent US General Convention “followed very seriously” the Windsor report, especially its prescription about reconsidering consecration of priests in gay relationships. It has been suggested that ECUSA be demoted to “associate” status in the Anglican Communion, but Bishop Lee felt this would be an extreme reaction.

“The Episcopal Church took a significant step at General Convention,” even though conservative groups had since denigrated it. “I would be astonished if Archbishop Williams recognises any of these groups as a successor to the Episcopal Church, though I suppose he might recognise them as supplemental.”

But Bishop Lee still hopes that it won’t come to that. “We’re a small Church, and that means that friendship - ‘bonds of affection’, to use Windsor’s phrase - might be our salvation. I think this is where our hope for the future lies, as people realise that we have more things in common than divide us.

Good grief! Read more here, or the whole thing here. But he's right about one thing: lawsuits would be unbiblical. But then again, so is practicing homosexuality. But two wrongs don't make a right. If legal wrangling commences in earnest within ECUSA, that will be a very serious scandle indeed. And I really hope people would abandon their claims on property before they would initiate a lawsuit, out of obedience to 1 Corinthians 6, which is at least as explicit about lawsuits as St. Paul is elsewhere about the practice of homosexuality. The meat of it: "To have lawsuits at all with one another is defeat for you. Why not rather suffer wrong? Why not rather be defrauded?"

On a completely unrelated and somewhat superficial note, I do love the traditional Anglican bishop's choir outfit: the cassock, rochet, chimere, and scarf, which Bp. Lee is modelling to good effect above, though I'm not sure what's up with his collar. I hope that when we are eventually reunited with Peter, these vestments will be retained.


Fr Andrew Petiprin said...

I agree that the "unbiblical" thing seems a bit funny. Of course, Bishop Lee never said that homosexuality was biblical either, although I suppose to some in the orthodox camp he may not have any ground to stand on since he supports what General Convention did.

I must say, however, that what Nigeria is trying to do to Bishop Lee is not cool. The idea that someone could be an incumbant in an ECUSA parish and a bishop in a national church that is not in communion with ECUSA is preposterous. At least at this stage in the process of figuring out where ECUSA stands with regard to the Communion, if Truro needs alternative oversight, it must be granted by Bishop Lee. A foreign primate can't impose it. Unfortunately, however, that is exactly what some people want. When push comes to shove some people are more than happy to throw ecclesiology out the window.

Texanglican (R.W. Foster+) said...

Interesting that Bishop Lee has been invited to participate in the Lambeth meeting next month with ABC. Check out +Iker's letter on

gwb said...

FA -

I agree about the Canon Minns situation.

Tex -

I just read the Cantuar / Bishops meeting stuff. Interesting. Nothing to do but sit back and conjecture at this point.

Anonymous said...

True, nice vestments, but I think he is holding an NIV (bought from Zondervan Family Bookstores nonetheless) which will not do well when reuniting with Rome, but perhaps with the SBC of the non-KJV variety, i.e. this sort:

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I mean this variety...

Anonymous said...

Well nevermind. How do you get this thing to take link? Or perhaps I should take a hint (i.e, "no links"). I not a spammer, nor a lowchurchman. Which is worse I wonder? Both do go so low.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I see I was trying to hard. Or perhaps because I'm writing from the South, where folks are a bit slower (like Bp Lee, who has a fine Southern name). What would R E Lee think of all this Episcopal mess I wonder? I reckon they don't like to quote him too much. He did say “Obedience to lawful authority is the foundation of manly character.” So who has the lawful authority? Well, I can't see R E Lee thinkin' we should defy Bp Lee.

Anonymous said...

Yet those ruffled, gathered, pleated cuffs on Bp Lee don't tend toward "manly character" either. Yet R E Lee seems to have been fond of wearing a tassle of a sort himself.

Perhaps R E was a stealth Anglo-Catholic, having been influenced by the Oxford Movement (1833-1845) in his younger years? No, certainly not. Very odd. Very odd.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. I mean "tassel" not "tassle". Too much wiksey after supper tonight.