Wednesday, January 24, 2007

more prayers to cut out and put in your bcp or office book

For +++++KJS and the other heretic Prince-Bishops of ECUSA, in all charity and for their salvation, and in obedience to God's desire that we pray for the Church, for those in authority, for our enemies, for those who persecute us, and for those whose senseless minds are darkened:

ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, Who savest all men, and willest not that any should perish; look upon the souls which have been deceied by the fraud of the devil (especially N.N.); that all heretical perversity may be driven away, and the hearts of the erring may repent, and return to Thine unshaken truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

DISSOLVE, O Christ, the schisms of heresy, which seek to subvert the faith, which strive to corrupt the truth, especially among Anglicans in North America; that as Thou art acknowledged in heaven and in earth as one and the same Lord, so Thy people, gathered from all nations, may serve Thee in the unity of faith. Amen.

O GOD, Who delightest in the devotion of the faithful, make Thy people, we pray Thee, to be devoted to Thy holy things; that they who depart from their duties by ungodly depravity of mind (especially N.N.), may be converted by Thy grace, and return from the snares of the devil wherein they are held captive; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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